The growth in the number of U.S. Independent Business Owners (IBO’s) in Total Life Changes has increased tremendously in the past 16 months due to the vision and leadership of TLC’s Vice President of North American Sales, Kenny Lloyd. Since his involvement with TLC, the number of IBO’s in the United States has increased over 400%.
Kenny Lloyd has laid the foundation and the vision for entrepreneurs across the United States and the result is the first wave of six-figure earners. He describes this movement as a tsunami and the first wave has already landed; “Now is the time to prepare for the next wave. We’re reaching our goal of $100 million four to five months ahead of time and I’m working with the field to prepare them for the second wave of success. My focus now is preparing the field for becoming a $500 million dollar company.”
Kenny has never looked for personal accolades; he has led by example and support from fellow Executive Ambassadors, Gregg & Lenika Scott and Erwin & Twiler Portis. And as of right now, TLC is on pace to reach that goal of $100 million far ahead of schedule.
“I know we will reach this plateau because we have numerous IBO’s earning $1,000 to over $100,000 per month. My personal income is exceeding $300,000 a month; and there are more IBO’s well on their way to reaching this same plateau. It’s time to recognize that the growth in Total Life Changes is real. Okay? We will hit $100 million, probably in the next four months. So now, the vision becomes, One Team. One Dream. One Message. $500 Million in sales by the end of 2016. I know we can do this, but we must stay focused. I attribute our success to the incredible leaders that we have and their ability to work in unison; meaning, continuing to instill one clear message with consistency across all aspects of the business,” explains Kenny Lloyd.
Total Life Changes continues to grow in popularity and performance. A recent online publication from MLM Rankingslisted TLC with a 69% gain in popularity, which places them in the “pole position” and 11% ahead of the nearest competition. The Internet popularity percentile rank displays where TLC is positioned in the MLM ranking’s public Internet database against all other MLM companies and home-based businesses.
Over the past six months, TLC has recorded a 428% gain in performance, which placed them in the #1 spot for all MLM’s, according to the same report. Business for Home just released a list of the Top 100 Solid MLM Companies and Total Life Changes has earned their way on that list too.
“We have been tracking a steady increase in online traffic over the past 9 months, with a significant surge in the past four months. In fact, we recently had to upgrade our server in order to handle the increase in traffic to our corporate site. I just read that we were ranked 32nd out of 853 MLM and home-based businesses; but it didn’t really come as a surprise to our marketing team. We’ve been implementing many successful product campaigns and marketing initiatives that stand out from the rest of the competition and Kenny Lloyd has played an intricate role in providing a vision and a system to ensure this growth while maintaining timely training and duplication."
"Much of our success is because of the message that Kenny brought to the field. He has earned the respect of our corporate team and his title of V.P. of North American Sales. His message has been supported and carried out by Executive Ambassadors Gregg & Lenika Scott and Erwin & Twiler Portis. Together, these three couples have put so much in place, in a relatively short period of time that supports this growth,” explains Chief Marketing Officer, Scott Bania.
Kenny Lloyd has worked tirelessly alongside his closest partners and hundreds of reps that have been trained from day one on how to become a successful leader. This seems to be a critical component of TLC’s recent growth in North America. This growth is truly organic. “We’ve made more revenue in the first three months of this year than we did all of last year. We continue to set corporate records in sales and new affiliates month after month.
All of us here at our Michigan Headquarters as well as President, Armand Puyolt in our west coast office, feel very blessed. We know we have a great deal of momentum and we are working so very hard to keep up and get in front of this growth. We owe it to our leaders and those that they bring into the company to provide them with the greatest business tools and customer support; so that remains to be my focus right now,” expresses C.O.O John Licari.
Total Life Changes IBO’s have been on a massive city-to-city opportunity campaign; weekdays and weekend events feature leaders sharing their success from promoting the flagship product, Iaso™ Tea. The tea is being promoted with NutraBurst™, which is a liquid multi-vitamin and a dietary supplement called NRG. The popularity of these meetings is growing from week to week, as is the number of people attending them. “We’ve gone from doing about $1.5 million per month in 2014 to nearly $8.9 million per month in this first quarter. I am extremely proud of all of my business partners and very thankful for our CEO Jack Fallon that shared this vision with myself, my wife, the Scotts and the Portis’ just 16 months ago,” says Kenny Lloyd.
Total Life Changes looks ahead to their newest endeavor by marketing shape wear garments. A six-city tour started in late 2014 led to a final Valentine Gala in Houston, Texas. The garments are being introduced through a two-step transformational system focusing on inner and outer beauty. Customers are encouraged to use TLC nutritional products to improve their health while wearing a shape wear garment to train their waist and provide immediate gratification.
“The continued use of Iaso™ Tea, NutraBurst™ and NRG should really provide an increase in one’s energy, which tends to impact one’s attitude. Most of our customers and reps that are taking the products regularly discuss how the use of these products has helped them make this transition to further improve their health through regular exercise and an improved diet. I am really excited about these garments and the system that we are promoting."
"Everybody I know loves instant gratification. I’ve worn the men’s shape wear garment. We call it the O’Fallon. It really smoothed my abdomen and I was able to wear it comfortably for many hours. I felt good because I looked good. We’re not trying to hide imperfections indefinitely, but rather provide men and women with a product that will get them feeling great about themselves immediately as they work toward improving their overall health, inside and out,” discussed Total Life Changes CEO, Jack Fallon.
Kenny submits that he wishes everyone could have this feeling… What is this feeling? The feeling that he is home. The opportunity for you to feel happier, healthier and wealthier is what TLC is all about! Join us in Atlanta July 17th and 18th to see it for yourself.