You have to wonder about a person who opens up their article with "I'm prepared to lose friends over this." Recently, blogger and NY Times best-selling author, released an article attacking the methods of women around the country selling Jamberry, 31 Gifts, Younique, etc. The article, at no surprise, has come with mixed responses. (We've decided to omit the article link to prevent any further clicks to it.)
Comments like, I’m not buying any of the crap you’re peddling. The jewelry, the nails, the skincare, the candles, the LIFESTYLE. Now, before you get your $75 CAbi panties in a twist, let me explain: I’ve done my time. I’ve given my money. I used to be nice, too, and I used to say “yes” to the buying of all the stuff.
The key phrase that can be pulled from this is? "I used to be nice." At least Scary Mommy admits it? Ironically, at the end of the article, comments are welcomed with the pre-phrase, 'The Scary Mommy Community is built on support. If your comment doesn't add to the conversation in a positive or constructive way, please rethink submitting it. Basically? Don't be a (ommitted for language), please.'
It would have been nice if Scary Mommy took her own advice but can we be surprised?
The reason for this article isn't to point out the obvious hypocrisy, but to address an important discussion that stemmed from this post. Is she right? Are direct-sellers sending out too many Facebook event invites? Is there too much soliciting?
The answer? Depends on who you're asking. Here are several canned responses that should help. 'Opinions are like elbows, everybody has one.''You can't please everyone.''Life is too short to take too seriously.' etc…
Less than a century ago, women weren't aloud to vote, let alone run a business built on a community of others. Today, women still struggle with balancing work and life. The constant pull is still there to build a business, a career, yet be there 100% for their family. Though the tipping scale is balanced more now than it ever has been, we still have a long way to go. The last thing in the world any woman should be doing is condeming another for trying to make a living.
If it's that difficult to be on Facebook with someone like this, then the reflection is on you – not them.
This industry has empowered many women to accomplish too many things to even be listed here. Many of these women adorn our site with their success stories.
So please, next time you think about ripping apart the women who are happily building a business because they're too 'cult-like' for you, just don't. There are bigger and more important things that deserve your unbridled, passionate response. The internet is like the bathroom wall; anyone can say anything negative and it sticks. Take it with a grain of salt.
In case this still doesn't work, here are 3 simple steps to eliminating any 'annoying happy people'.
1. In Facebook account settings, add a list of these annoying happy people to your blocked list of events. They will no longer be able to send you event invites.
2. If their happiness still penetrates your newsfeed, you can 'unfollow' their page so their do-goodness no longer contaminates your feed.
3. If the above two do not suffice, then write a negative blog post to do exactly what you're condeming others for doing; building a business from home. (Need I mention that Scary Mom actually shared her blog post on her Facebook page?)