![Kerry Asay, Morinda, Milestone, Anniversary](http://df5eshuaiifdc.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/image/Morinda/Kerry-Asay-Morinda.jpg)
In July of 1996, Morinda (Tahitian Noni Juice) was officially formed by John Wadsworth, Stephen Story, Kelly Olsen, Kim Asay and Kerry Asay.
Here are some of the amazing things the company has accomplished since starting 18 years ago:
Morinda experienced a 300% growth in revenue in its first five years of operations and continues to grow each year. In fact, Morinda has been recognized as the fourth fastest-growing company in modern history (behind Google, Intel, and Federal Express).
Morinda was the first company to harvest, source, and distribute a noni-based product to the consumer market.
Morinda has contributed more than $141 million dollars to the economy of Tahiti, and was the recipient of the Corporate & Social Responsibility Award from the country of Tahiti at the United Nations Headquarters.
Morinda is now in more than 70 countries worldwide, and currently employs more than 3,000 individuals at its corporate offices around the world.
Morinda has paid out nearly $3 billion in commissions, distributing paychecks to more than 1.1 million of its distributors in more than 70 countries. In addition, the company has created more than 250 millionaires.
With $125 million spent on research and development, 18 published human clinical trials (several of which were featured in the Physician’s Desk Reference), and a state-of-the-art, multi-million dollar laboratory dedicated to product research, Morinda’s science is unparalleled in the network marketing industry.
In 2009, Morinda researchers were the first to discover that much of the benefit of noni comes from chemical compounds known as iridoids.
More than 1,000,000 people have been scanned by the TruAge Scanner, which is the first device of its kind. There are nearly 1,000 scanners deployed around the world.
For years the media has featured articles or news segments on Morinda and its powerful products. In fact, there were approximately 123,000,000 TruAge global media impressions in the past year alone!
Since it first went online, there have been nearly 4,000,000 views of the video on TruAge.com. It gets approximately 10,000 views every day, 417 views every hour, and seven views every minute.
Morinda was recognized by Interactive Health Solutions as one of the "Healthiest Companies in America" in 2013.
Morinda is dedicated to transforming the lives of impoverished people and families across the world by providing a wide range of humanitarian services. The company strives to stimulate job creation and economic development, provide scholarships and educational grants, encourage healthy child development, and offer disaster relief in impoverished regions of the world.
While Morinda focuses on providing service and humanitarian aid to countries around the world, it primarily serves locations where chief ingredients of Morinda products and manufacturing operations occur. This focus allows Morinda to give back directly to the people and communities that have impacted Morinda in unimaginable ways.
We can't wait to see what's achieved in the next 18 years.
Source: Morinda